Kia ora Dalefield Whānau,


Thank you very much for your understanding and support for yesterday.  The strike action was obviously not taken lightly and highlighted the real concerns the profession has around long-term resourcing issues, learning support and sustainability of the current situation etc.  We are hopeful that traction can be gained and the ministry will acknowledge the issues and work with haste, alongside the sector.

The Safety Upgrades and Fencing

As you can see, things are really taking shape!  With the asphalting completed, the real scope of the changes is apparent.  Until the fencing around the parking areas is completed we are still having to enter the school at the far entrance by the hall.  Eventually the parking will be as shown on this picture and the entrance to the school through a new gate here:

Staff will be parking in the new spaces parallel to Thomas Road. Thanks again for your patience with all of the changes - it will definitely be worth it.

Bicycle Maintenance Day

Such a great learning was had on the bike maintenance day on 02 March. Thanks Brodie for accompanying them - the feedback from Alex, Ben, Darby and Thomas was overwhelmingly positive.  Well done team…and we got a free bike for the teachers!

The Playground and, ‘How Can You Assist?’

Thank you again for the input into this. As Willy and I said last week, we are working on the next steps to get the two key things underway: The tree-planting as part of the 10% of Dalefield in native plant cover and the playground establishment.

We have a Board of Trustees meeting next Wednesday where this will be discussed - remember, you are always welcome to attend.

Again, thank you to the staff, students and community for making our school what it is.  A personal thank you to the staff team and the board for the amazing mahi.

Ngā mihi nui,

Eric Daubé




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